Sticky: Status Update

Opened Projects:

  • TANA “Oyome Happy Days” GO» 
  • Kai Hiroyuki “Chounyuusai” [FUNDED]
  • Asagi Ryuu “Onee-san ga Iyashite Ageru” GO»
  • Yamada Hideki “Manyuu Hikenchou”  GO»
  • Hoshikawa Danpa “Sensei No Koto, Kusugutte Ageru” (inquire by email)
  • Shiina Kazuki “Isekai Shoukan” [FUNDED]
  • [Erect Sawaru] Raikou Shinki Igis Magia IV -PANDRA saga 3rd ignition- [FUNDED]
Titles marked in red are titles that needs support – green ones have donations met for a few upcoming chapters. Brown titles are stalled projects (possible drop – read more on Donor Projects page).
Found an error? Leave me a message!
Current rules for start-up crowd-funded projects: 2 chapters.

[Etuzan Jakusui] Enji ni Somaru Melonbooks Kounyuu Tokuten Manga-iri Illust Leaflet

I bring you a short leaflet for the tank, that was otherwise already finished by other groups. I believe there’s one more leaflet available, that was included in toranoana purchases, but I wasn’t asked to work on it. I was planning to release it yesterday, but stuff happened, and I had no time.

Courtesy of anon.

Show Download Links “[Etuzan Jakusui] Enji ni Somaru Melonbooks Kounyuu Tokuten Manga-iri Illust Leaflet”

[Shunjo Shuusuke] Iiwa Watashi no Karada Suki ni Shite Ch.2

And here’s the second chapter, and a conclusion for the story. In the meantime, I switched to tank scans, that have way less censor. I also added 2 extra pages that were included in the tank. I hope you liked it. Also, there’s 3 more (long) chapters left in this tank, if you want me to work on them, let me know!

Courtesy of anon.

Show Download Links “[Shunjo Shuusuke] Iiwa Watashi no Karada Suki ni Shite Ch.2”