Donor Projects
If you’re willing to, you can chip-in towards completion any of works listed here, or start-up your own donor project, by sending me a proposition by mail ([email protected]) and commissioning a few chapters. Please respect my and your time and include in first mail as much details about your commission as possible and if possible, include a link to a downloadable source.
Note: Be sure to send me the best possible raws, because I don’t search for additional sources and delivering poor quality scans can result even in declining order – it concerns both public and private donors. UPDATE: I generally don’t work on scans that are watermarked (obnoxious watermarks – single scanner watermark is perfectly fine as long as it doesn’t destroy the experience).
Note that you can ask for oneshots or doujins as well. Price is variable depending on how much work it requires and if there are some colored pages. Stakes are from ~$1.2 to $3 (USD) depending on amount of work needed to be done (translating and editing, super hard things may go above that). Note that if any donation goal is reached, donations are being considered as donations for next chapter of book in question. When sending me files try avoiding troublesome hosts — it speeds up and saves me trouble with trying to download them, you can also use e-hentai links if you wish (you might need to re-upload it outside for translation though).
Remember that you can order oneshots form Comic Books like LO, , Masyo, Hotmilk or whichever you wish, and doujins!!!
Just remember to send me exact source – take chapter from compendium, pack and send only that, or link to the page the story starts at in case of e-hentai links.
To donate, send me an e-mail and I will provide you with donation details for chosen work. Note that you can donate ANY amount you wish – even dollar or two makes finishing next chapter closer!
PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK IF I RECEIVE WHOLE SUM, I’M BOOKING ONLY MONEY I REALLY RECEIVE. PayPal fees are usually $3 (cross-border fee, it varies depending on your location).
Quick explanation – numbers in brackets stands for funds raised so far for listed entry. I won’t be adding notifications about chapter status here, just look @ recent projects for more info. Also – donated projects are top priority over freebies.
REMEMBER that I’m NOT going to start working on your order until I received complete payment, there are no exceptions.
Donations without specified chapters are being considered as donations to next untranslated chapters in line (choosing chapters valid only for non-serialized manga).
NOTE: I’m going to close projects that are stalled for prolonged time – depending on current situation, around 4~6months since last donation. It’s so that project can be taken up by other groups. Don’t worry – I’m going to give information beforehand about that and projects can be re-opened at any time by interested donors.
I’d like to thank all that chip-in to donor projects here, to don’t make it too cramped below. Thank you, donors!!
Donor projects:
TANA “Oyome Honey Days”
Genre: Grown-Ups
Chapters donated so far: 6-9/15.5
Translated so far: LIST
Ch.10 – 32pages – $58
Ch.11 – 24pages – $44
Ch.12 – 28pages – $51
Ch.13 – 24pages – $44
Ch.14 – 30pages – $54
Ch.15 – 40pages – $72
Ch.15.5 – 3pages – $6
Donors: DrtyBird, Megaton
Kai Hiroyuki “Chounyuusai”
Genre: Grown-Up, MILF
Chapters donated so far: 1-10/10
Translated so far: LIST
Donors: TheDoc, Tiptop, anon
Asagi Ryuu “Onee-san ga Iyashite Ageru”
Genre: Grown-Up, Romance
Chapters donated so far: 1-6/9
Translated so far: LIST
Ch.7 – 20pages – $35
Ch.8 – 20pages – $35
Ch.9 – 20pages – $35
Donors: Cocblockula
Yamada Hideki (Konchiki) “Manyuu Hikenchou”
Genre: Non-H
Chapters donated so far: 1-19 / 46 (7 volumes)
Translated so far: LIST
Ch.20 – $56
Ch.21 – $59
Ch.22 – $40
Ch.23 – $48
Ch.24 – $59
Ch.25 – $63
Ch.26 – $76
Ch.26.5 – $8
Vol. 5 TBP
Inquire by mail regarding this project.
Donors: Vices, Lurker45, Sake, Eclipse, Glynyc, Invader Alex, QuidelL
Shiina Kazuki “Isekai Shoukan”
Genre: Isekai, Kemonomimi
Chapters donated so far: Vol.1-4 / Vol.4
Translated so far: LIST
Donors: Khalikryst, Zex, Rae, FrozenDroplet
Regarding Manyuu Hikenchou, I noticed the listing for Chapter 18 is now delisted. Is it in process, or was it removed by accident when the listing was updated?
It was commissioned, and it’s being worked on already.
Thank you for the clarification. Cheers.
Could you translate [Drachef] Tonari no ELF Mama -Kouhen if you could?
Even if it’s in Chinese
Oh, here’s the link I forgot to put it in there–kouhen–%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87-3080132.html#1
Actually, it’d be a problem if it was only in Chinese. Luckily, it’s not. You’ll have to email me for the price, but yes, I could do it.
I sent the email, but I should warn you. I couldn’t find it in a separate form so I put it into a whole magazine. I only want you to do pages 71 to 95.
Do or will you support bitcoin in your donations?
Yes, I accept crypto as well.
Are you planning to translate Anata no Tame nara Nando demo Zenpen and ANATANO TAME NARA NANDO DEMO “Kouhen” by Shunjou Shuusuke
It’s not on my list right now.
Is Manyuu Hikenchou still an ongoing translation and does it need donors?
Hey, the 2nd volume was lately completely donated, so I started gathering donations for the 3rd volume. Not a chapter was donated yet, though 😉
Any update on the Hinjyaku CG? How much is left is needed for donation?
Pages ~610-660 should be out soon-ish. Can’t say exactly when, but they’re almost here. Next 100 pages are pending proofreading (and typesetting) That’ll put us somewhere around page 750… and I think the full story was like 1.2k, so uh… yeah… What can I say…
Is proofreading strictly volunteer work, or does it pay anything?
Usually volunteer, sometimes not entirely. But so far I got worse results when they requested money, so I’m not keen on that.
Were all the chapters of Ichiban Sentou paid for and work is being done on the remaining ones, or was it just the two that have been completed and released?
Ichiban Sentou is all paid for. At least all the parts I’m aware of, including the “spin-off” part. They’re waiting for their turn to be proofread. The 3rd part is in the second stage of proofread now.
Is proofreading the problem that is stalling the release of Hinjyaku CG? Is the person in charge not able to do it or is it a lot to go through?
There’s no longer a person in charge of it. That particular person may come back, but definitely not immediately. There’s another person working on it right now, but there’s really a lot of text to go through. And I kinda hoped the person who was in charge of that project would be back earlier.
Are all the pages for Hinjyaku already paid for? I could donate to speed things up possibly?
Right now throwing money won’t speed up the work on that project, since I have 500 images worth of the story already translated and waiting for proofreading, which is stalling it right now. Though after next 2 parts are out of proofreading, that will definitely help, since then I’ll prepare another batch of translations while waiting for the earlier ones to be checked. With roughly 5 future batches already scripted and waiting for fixing, throwing in another one just won’t change much :X
Hello, I would like to donate to the Hinjyaku project but the link has expired.
I was wondering if you could renew/refresh it, so that I may contribute.
Which link do you mean? The link to send a mail shouldn’t expire. Due to the nature of that project, it’s massively delayed, though.
How much for the rest of hinjyaku stuff cost? I wanna know before donating
All the questions please direct to my mail.
Hope you got the 5$ for the hinjyaku stuff
If it was you, it was cancelled.
Really can I ask why??
All I’m getting is
Maybe because you sent it to a mail that’s not linked to PP.
Can Zero no Mono – Mechakucha Sex Shiyo be put on the list?
@Biri biri i hope you've heard about the hentai mentioned in the mail, sensei to watashi to kou created by okada
Yes, I know of those books and that artist. It doesn't change the fact that I don't have plans to work on those at the moment.
Aaaa ok thanks for answering, I hope someday you can translate, and I understand that by now you can not translate that hentai, since you have many pending projects =(
That's one thing, another is that I wasn't paid to do it.
joshikousei duhhh 7 months already -_-
sure money well spent by ur funders zzzz
The rest of that book was commissioned earlier this month, It doesn't happen that fast. I'm a one-man translating machine – I translate, edit, typeset everything myself. I release something frequently, so it's not like I took money and sit on my hands. QC slows things down as well.
And I believe as a random leecher you're not in a position to complain.
I noted Loli to Bokurano now says "stalled, with a high chance of dropping." Is that true? Can I ask why? I've been looking forward to reading some of the later chapters.
4th chapter will show up. It's actually lying on my HDD. But I haven't received a page scanned for over a year now beyond that point. And Afro seems to be really far from doing anything at all for few months now.
How does that work? Are you able to use the raw scans available on other sources, like exhentai? You translated ch 5 a while ago, and ch 6 was done by another group. Honestly, it's ch 7 that I'm most interested in. Would've funded, but it already was.
Actually, I need to look over what's not yet translated and maybe I'll do those pages either way. As long as donors agree. Which may be hard because T. Starrk is MIA for like half a year now.
I have had a raw of Tonari no miko since the year it came out. If i wasnt a hikki neet i would fund it to completion. I am elated that it is finally in somebodies hands after all these years. I can only hope it is on peoples radar and gets finished.
It's on a good start. Already left with just 2 chapters needing commission (and doujins, but I'm yet to even see which versions are better etc).
Yuuki Ray “Shota Eater” when? Again 🙁 ……
Don't make the edit, the censorship in the magazine scans of that chapter is better than the tank
You left a comment on '[Takatsu] Elisa-sama Goyoujin' saying "We're confirmed to work on it~ –biribiri". Are you actually planning on translating it?
Please talk to Doujin-Moe about that one.
No need, I doubt Doujin-Moe gives 2 shits about getting it translated anymore, it's been over a year after all.
You should really edit that comment though.
Considering I sent them translation for whole book…
Lol, it might have been better to reply with that the first time. I guess it's the waiting game until Doujin-Moe feels like releasing it, sorry about wasting your time.
Yuuki Ray “Shota Eater” when?
When it's corrected, so soon™
[Mutsutake] Soto no Kuni no Yome
suggest to get translated or finished…
If it gets commissioned, why not. I don't usually open projects myself.
Just wondering if you plan on putting Tonari no Miko-san wa Minna Warau up as a donor project?
hello biri², I have just sent a mail from my msn address,
in case it would possibly end up in your spam folder
Thanks for telling me you got my e-mail biribiri!I can't wait to hear your response!I also wanted to tell you,I sent one more e-mail with one more commission in it today.
Yeah, I saw it. I didn't have time to check those files yet. I should respond in a matter of days.
Hello!I sent you a e-mail asking about a commission just a couple minutes ago.I just wanted to comment if you got it since my e-mails tend to end up in peoples spam folders for some reason.
anyone interested in translating uran's work Itsunomanika Shoujo wa??
here's the link for raw
Heres Ashikas latest story from comic megastore
And I commissioned a couple of Ashikas other stories
[Ashika] Guzuguzu Shitetara Sodacchauyo? anyone interested in this work really good no translation yet
Well, fantastic. I had almost led myself to believe that they had circled the drain.
Second chapter is waiting for QC and third one is waiting for corrections (and then QC). In other words, they're nearly done.
Just a quick question; I want to know if the other Sister Mania chapters are in the works quite yet, and if not, I want to know how much is needed in donations to bump it up on the queue.
pls check out (1)Seishokuki ~Hatsujou Panic Toshi by Saiyazumi and (2)Mon-Oka by Saiyazumi and see if u could translate it
here's the link:1)
will make more chapter of Hito no Tsuma?
Meh…I'm a loli so I'm going to donate towards loli stuff…sry.
I know.
We're having issues with collaborators, though. And well… it will be a shame one way or another, since I had script ready for almost all of it for a long time now (left are 2 chapters and side story from the end). If we don't get anything done soon, I will probably drop it :S
Meme50 Limit Breaaak!!!! is already done by doujin-moe. I'm not sure if that was collaboration with you or not but full volume is already shared. If they done it separately then why not replace that series with some other. It would be a waste to do it again.
Hmm…I guess after a few more paychecks I'll chip away at some of that chu-bra stuff there…not to much, but it should be enough to get a full book and part of the next ready to go.
You will also note that in some of the covers that adult females genitalia are blocked.
Why? Because they are.
It has nothing to do with legality.
<blockquote cite="#commentbody-5793">
panthercom :
If you make Succubus Distortion a donor project I’ll chip something in; Ive
wanted to see it translated for a long time.
I'll pay for that as well. Count on it!!!
I know, I'm not going to drop the project either way. They want to do only a part of it and we're going to do complete book, including any and all bonus material.
Don't know if you're aware/care about it, but mumeitl ( has released chapter 6 of Yaya Hinata's ”Nuko Miko-tan”, and plans on doing the follow up (don't know if from the tank or from a magazine).
Ha ha ha, finally some Yaya Hinata! Thank you, Darkfire, for being a mind-reader. Rest assured that I will be sponsoring a chapter or two later on.
By the way, isn't Nukomiko's second to last chapter a sequel story to Tonari no Miko-san?
If you make Succubus Distortion a donor project I'll chip something in; Ive
wanted to see it translated for a long time.
Indeed, that book has one arc that is prequel-kind of thing, connected by one character and one situation. I had to look it up as well, to get few parts right in upcoming release 😉
EDIT: Ohta seem to jump between different stories as story progresses, so books are connected indeed.
I saw that Ohta Takeshi “Angelic Desire” is now on the list, having been fully paid for by GjustG. Thank you GjustG, that is *extremely* generous of you. I found something out though while searching for the raws: Angelic Desire is apparently a sequel to another of Ohta Takeshi's works called Succubus Distortion. Raws for that one can be found here:
<blockquote cite="#commentbody-5564">
Bob :
Are you making good money from donations? I’m thinking of getting in on this translation gig
No one has commented because this is not a "gig". It is an art form, and a difficult one at that. Show some love for the players…they've earned it many times over…
Are you making good money from donations? I'm thinking of getting in on this translation gig