I’ve been waiting for a work involving them skanky outfits and it finally came my way. Mio has turned into a dick addict and seems like she’s completely given up on being a band member (though she gets to play the role of a sex drum). Either way, I was asked to do script, which was corrected by Momiji and edited on the pages by flash.killer.
Courtesy of flash.killer.
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[mdo-h] XS! Ch.1-2


She’s criminally cute, don’t you agree? Either way, this is a double release, since chapters are short (but damn, there was a load of typesetting to do). Second story is a prequel to another chapter we’re working on from the same book. I always wanted to work on some of this artist’s works… I just never considered the amount of work they take o_O Either way, I hope you will enjoy.
We may have some xmas/new year gift coming soon, but it depends on how lucky we are (and I just jinxed it).
Courtesy of Job Truniht.
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[Ashimoto Yoika] Ishiki no Takai Shokushu

Another chapter from the tentacle master. Expect plot twists and a whole lotta technical language >_> Enjoy.
Also – our new slogan: Commission from us, it’s twice the fun. First time, when you commission, second when it’s out and you read it after you forgot about your commission! >_<
Courtesy of DarthAlice.
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