I’ve been waiting for a work involving them skanky outfits and it finally came my way. Mio has turned into a dick addict and seems like she’s completely given up on being a band member (though she gets to play the role of a sex drum). Either way, I was asked to do script, which was corrected by Momiji and edited on the pages by flash.killer.
Courtesy of flash.killer.
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[Saida Kazuaki] Koujo Ryoujoku AHAN Ch.5-6

It’s been a while, so have more Saida Kazuaki. These are two short, color chapters with completely different stories – while first one is genuine perversion in the wild green yonder, second one is more of a mindbreaky thing. Either way, I hope you will enjoy them equally.
Courtesy of Zathael.
PS: Seeing how it’s been a month and BS is still useless crap, I’m considering looking for another mirror.
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