[Yuki Seto] Stringendo EP.1

So yeah … I was angry that no-one took the time to translate this series. It’s baised on Yuki Seto’s eromanga Stringendo. It’s a story of schoolgirls having crush on not-so-popular guys. And it’s full of epic blowjob scenes.
It’s actually the first time I ever translated anime – I hope it looks nice (I didn’t use any fancy styling for subs cause it would draw attention from the movie). It’s censored version.
[BIRI]_Stringendo_Angel-tachi_no_Private Lesson_1_-_My_Blow_Jober_1_[H.264]_[4fddc34f] - 00001
You meanie ;<
[BIRI]_Stringendo_Angel-tachi_no_Private Lesson_1_-_My_Blow_Jober_1_[H.264]_[4fddc34f] - 00002
I find her so fscking HOT ! :O
And a word from Len (besides big “Oh my god.” right after he got the proofread-ready version):

This show was actually pretty good though, these hentai voice actresses are much better than the last time I remember watching something.

[TANA] Kimi no Hitomi ni Koi Shiteru Ch.4

Such a cold beauty.
Huh? What’s going to happen with their lovely perversion relationship?! :O
This chapter concludes Sae x Manabu Arc.

This donor project is already fully sponsored, but if you like my work, maybe you are interested in donating for other projects?
Donor: anonymous
Full Book


[Nakata Yumi] Chu-Bra!! STEP.2

Nayu is really moe … and an underwear freak 😀
Let’s all fondle busty girls from the class!!
So yeah, this one took quite some time to find someone interested, but here it is – my only non-h project! I hope you’ll like Nayu and her habbit of groping friends 😉 This one is non-h, but it has tons on fanservice! ^__^
This chapter is commissioned by Zathael. If you like it, consider donating towards translating next chapter.
Links to whole Volume are in Finished Projects section!!

[.7] Futanari Sakuya-san


That ojou-sama, she’s so mean ;__; But I think that I’d wear meidofuku if it means I can have, what Sakuya had.
This one contains futa-Sakuya maid being played by a loli :3 Anyway, enjoy!
Oh, one more thing – I’m not into futa, but I liked this one actually, so you know … don’t judge it by futa contents.
This is commissioned Touhou doujin from anonymous. You can commission/donate to one yourself.
PS: it’s .7 or dotseven ? ^__^’