Well, I gotta say I didn’t see that coming…
Courtesy of anonymous.
Show Download Links “[Yakanusu] Pig TF comic”there is something … I even can’t find a name for it o__O
Well, I gotta say I didn’t see that coming…
Courtesy of anonymous.
Show Download Links “[Yakanusu] Pig TF comic”
I-I actually have no idea what to think about it. It was odd short chapter…
Chapter courtesy of HPL.
Show Download Links “[RaTe] P-Talent”
This time we’re sharing with you some really random doujin. I have no words for how weird it was, honestly… I guess the note that the artist himself made in this doujin will be the best description – “Dear mothers, if you let your children read Kakumei Seifu’s publications, they will grow healthily just like that”.
Doujin courtesy of Azure Xuchilbara.
Find out how to commission a doujin for yourself.
Kuroko’s voice is now stuck in your head.
Whew, it’s been ages since I did something with Biribiri in it.
A doujin on Toaru (Index, with some stuff from Railgun manga, I guess). Kuroko lures Misaka into a hotel where she reveals her new ability along with some illegal drug access and whatnot. She also take active advantage of her ability in the most unimaginable ways… Gotta give it to her – she’s really creative when it comes to coming up with the most perverted ideas possible concerning Biribiri.
Pretty nice art and, for the love of god, Misaka looks soooo hot in some scenes that I didn’t care that it’s futa themed.
Great thanks to Azure Xuchilbara for commissioning this one. I had in plan releasing it much earlier, but, well – stuff happens. And besides… it took me ages to translate the novel part… I hope you’re gonna like it (I don’t think I’m gonna repeat that anytime soon).
Courtesy of Azure Xuchilbara.
Hey, how about getting one yourself?
US / UP / DF
She has short hair now, so…
…it seems like Showbow feels endangered.
A chapter about what happened to Kaede, while Snowbow and Takami were smexing at hotel. Enjoy your random intense tentacle and futa-like actions xD
Chapter brought to you by GjustG.
We’re still waiting for any news about continuation, but in the meantime.
This book has been finished, we advise using links with corrected versions from Finished Projects section, or bulk from post with last chapter!!
HF / UP / DF
Another doujin on Touhou from Radiohead, this time Yukari x Keine. This one made me go FTW!? really hard xD Who would’ve guess that controlling boundaries can be such a neat perk ^^;
Anyways, enjoy your giant dicked futa. English title is “Greetings from the Hole in the Wall”.
Brought to you by Azure Xuchilbara.
Get your own hole-portal to Gensokyou.
US / UP / DF
You’re gonna get reap’d~ (made up line but somehow accurate)
For this one I really hesitated, but I just had to put a NSFW preview – this chapter is just too much xD I couldn’t decide which parts to include here as well, there is just too much of epic scenes.
Chapter finalizes the tankoubon with a bang and proudly represents TANA’s style!
So, this is a final chapter from “Kimi no Hitomi ni Koi Shiteru” and bulk contains SERIOUSLY CORRECTED previous chapters – we strongly advise you download bulk than single chapters.
I’d like to thank to Ode to Joy and anonymous for sponsoring this tankoubon and I really hope you guys will like it. And of course thanks to Len and Afro for working with me on those.
I’m waiting for flood of comments 😉
Tankoubon: HF / UP / DF
PS: Tags are only for final chapter.
PPS: I’m going to write a ‘Finished Books’ page at some other time and move TANA there from Donors section.
Standalone 8th chapter: HF / UP / DF
If links are down, please refer to Finished Projects section.