[Gomennasai] Omase de Gomen! Ch.5


I can’t get enough of lolis dressed Gomen-style ^^

She just called you an idiot, are you going to take it?
So, here’s next Gomennasai’s piece, so called Sakurai Urinal.
Chapter courtesy of Zathael.
This book is fully sponsored, but we have other projects that would use your hand.
HF / UP / DF
Afro Thunda Edit: For those late to the party, follow this link for the complete and polished up book: Omase de Gomen Complete
PS: Yes, either I and Zathael knew this one was already translated – this is not a rewrite.
PPS: I guess with a follow-up like my recent releases, I should rename my blog into “Biribiri’s Lolicious Translations blog” xD

[Nimaji] Tonari no Henshitsusha


Wasn’t me~

Her mole is kinda hot…
Phew, it took me long time to get into spirit of translating Nimaji again 😉 This is a oneshot from Comic LO 49 called “Pervert Next Door” about a pervert and his sister and their secret and much, much more. Turns out that loving sister is a key to being a successful pervert 😀
Oneshot sponsored by anonymous.
Find your own loving imouto with a mole.
US / UP / DF
PS: Be sure to check last Rekishi’s post for details on numbering chapters.
I’ll be trying to finish few books this month – my plan is to release Fundamental and Gomen this month, and Rekishi as soon as I can as well. Hopefully I’ll manage to fulfill that, but if not, all three should show up by the end of June.

[Crazy9] Shouko to Yuuji to NTR

She’s as scary as usual 😀
So, here’s another commission from dj-moe. This time doujin on Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu.
Shouko is being yandere and she ties Yuuji, but she overdid it and she can’t get him to ‘stand’ xD
Uhh, I like Shouko in Crazy9 style ^__^
You probably already know it, but it’s a NTR.
Show Download Links “[Crazy9] Shouko to Yuuji to NTR”

[Asami Sekiya] Girls Shower Ch.8


She has an awesome breasts, believe me.
Another story from Girls Shower with a little drama, romance and comedy. I’d like to put more previews, but my no-nsfw policy prevents me from doing that.
Chapter brought to you by Zathael… again ( no I’m not doing this on purpose xD ).
This book is sponsored, but there are other projects that would use your hand!!
HF / UP / DF
PS: if you want, I can include bulk with next release (but I’d rather not).
PPS: Following updates will be a double-releases – new chapter and tuned up chapter I made long time ago.

[Nimaji] Warui Ko


“A Bad Girl” From Comic LO 45:

Don’t take early trains… oh wait, it’s the other way around. The guy just turned out to be a lolicon with a plan and good luck.
Pretty nice art with some rather sad story delivered to you by the same anonymous that brought Bubunteki Otonaka Keikaku and Under Nine.
Make your own delivery!!
US / UP / DF
PS: To be honest I was going to skip today’s update, but I just can’t leave you guys on your own ^^

[Ohtomo Takuji] Drinking Virgin Ch.11 [END]

No Preview Image Available
What more can I say than – OHSHI-!!
It’s the last chapter from Drinking Virgin – a little incest colored, with hot beauty in miniskirt as above and one more as a surprise 😉
Chapter brought to you by Zathael and Afro Thunda.

Here’s whole volume for you with corrections and such:
HF / UP / DF
Uncensored version is available:
HF UncUP UncDF Unc
De-censored by H9Eleven
Remember that finished books are also available in Finished Projects section.
And standalone chapter 11:
HF / UP / DF
aka. Gokkun Shojo

[Shiwasu no Okina] JC Ecchi Ch.4

Known also as “Triple H”.

We’re all this happy to see you girls again!!
Translated by me as a commission from doujin-moe final episode of arc about middle school trio and their tutor – you all know this story for sure, so without further chit-chat:
US / UP / DF / doujin-moe
and to make it complete – chapters 1-4 along with translations from FAKKU:
US / UP / DF

[Nanana Nana] Fundamental Eleven Ch.3


If you ever wondered what are lolis talking about during school camps, this is a chapter for you.

So, expect a dose of laugh and be prepared to get envious of their field trip. I’d certainly want to have trips like this one back at my school…
Chapter commissioned by Fatjoe.
If you want to see more of this, consider donating for other chapters.
This project is fully sponsored, but there is plenty of other projects that would use your hand here.
Links to whole book published in Finished Projects section.
HF / UP / DF

[Ohtomo Takuji] Drinking Virgin Ch.9

Tsundere, booby, cute megane girl for teh win!!

Could you resist those eyes? Could you?
So, here’s another chapter from DV, just the two more to go. It’s a chapter about megane girl closed in some kind of archive room, but that’s unimportant – what’s important is that she’s hawt and cute and hawt and she wears stylish glasses. Oh and did I mention she’s hawt? And she wears longsocks! 😀
Don’t make her cry anymore and leave a comment!!1
Yay, only two more chapters to the end.
Chapter brought to you with joined forces of Afro Thunda and Raikoh.
This project is fully sponsored, but maybe you’re interested in something else?

Here’s whole book translated.

HF / UP / DF
PS: Do you think that I could remove Tags from the sidebar? It gives nothing and just makes it more cramped out there? I bet no-one even uses that.