[Thomas] Honey Syrup Ch.13-14 [END]

Great trio of the 7 mysteries club.
Chapter courtesy of rurah.
Believe it or not, but we’re done with another book! I hope you liked it as much as we did. My thanks go to Jaylou1010, Oliver, Raikoh, Rurah, Zathael and last, but not least, to Afro Thunda.
It’s pretty late (I was stuck with some extensive editing job and I really wanted to finish it), so I’ll be updating the rest of the blog tomorrow.
Show Download Links “[Thomas] Honey Syrup Ch.13-14 [END]”

[Emua] Ryouran Gakuen Kakumeiki – Hyakka Ryouran! Ch.2

Ryouko-chan’s picture again, I promise I’ll use some other girl’s pic the next time… but Ryouko’s just so adorable…
We bring you yet another  chapter of yuri academy. In this installment: Ryouko starts her dury as Student Council President (after a little “talk” with principal). She wants to make a revolution in the school rules, but members of council are against (obviously). But no fret, Kiyomi has a good idea how to gain more support! I hope you’ll enjoy it.
Chapter brought to you by Valthunder.
This book is not completely commissioned yet, so you still have your chance!
BS / FF / DF /

[Murian] Onii-chan to Nyan Nyan Nyan Ch.2


They look like candies with sugar topping.

Like a Sir.
Hey, hey, hey! Guess what we bring to you tonight? Yup – it’s more Murian’s sweetness! His art is unbearable cute, so I’m happy to know that we’re going to translate (more than just) this book. We can’t forget about easter eggs. Who knows what we have here this time?

[spoiler]- Ninja bunny at first few pages sneaking into attic
– Doll from p29 i the same character as on a mug in Panda chapter

Chapter courtesy of Zathael.
Check out what else is still waiting for your help.
BS / FF / DF /
Note: since we’re only going to edit chapters we released before, they won’t be included in any packs until they’re done.

[Quzilax] Loli Tomodachi


Such a pure reaction…
Quzilax’s girls look adorable,
Tonight’s share is a random oneshot we did. It’s really long, so you should prepare yourself. I wanted to release it much earlier, but shit just kept on happening. Also – no loli was harmed while realizing this oneshot.
Chapter courtesy of count.
You know the drill if you want something yourself.
PS: Next Newmanoid should be out next week.

[Hirohisa Onikubo] Trick-Ster Ch.8 [END]

Chapter courtesy of DrtyBird.

And the next book completely translated. I hope you enjoyed this fare with us. My thanks go to DrtyBird, Afro Thunda and all of you, who commented on the blog.
BU / FF / DF
But if you want only the last chapter, here it is:
BU / FF / DF
As always, you can find links on the Finished Projects page.

[Emua] Ryouran Gakuen Kakumeiki – Hyakka Ryouran! Ch.1

Isn’t she cute?
Tonight’s release is something we were seriously lacking around here, I believe. A story about an all-girls school. I feel kinda bad for taking my time with titles you probably would like to see more often, but I hope my constant releases are anticipated nevertheless.
PS: Don’t worry about the “missing” page/s in this release – one is something that is supposed to be at the end of the book, but was numbered as one of the first ones, the other one is TOC – they both will be included in final release as always, I decided to translate and include the “introduction” page right now, because it sets up the story.
PPS: The title we’re using now is working title, can’t decide if we should drop the sub-title “Hyakka Ryouran!” or not. Translated titles on the book are also working titles and may change later.
Chapter courtesy of Valthunder.
If you want to see more of this story, consider donating!
BS / FF / DF
On other notes:
Afro is making great work revamping Newmanoid – I saw him even changing some styling, so I expect that book will be a keeper.
Next in line will be Miko Naburi (as soon as I make few corrections), in 2-3 days. After that we’ll be sharing completed Trickster, so stay tuned!
HF most probably won’t come back – I’m not sure if FF will stay here or not at this point, let’s say we’re giving it a test run.

[Yagawa Maito] Metro Ecstasy Ch.4

Remember them?
And first release in a while. Tonight’s share is next chapter of metro sex. IIRC it’s the last chapter from the arc, so enjoy it thoroughly.
Chapter courtesy of anonymous.
If you like this artist, consider donating for more chapters.
HF / BU / DF
PS: BU stands for BulletUpload.
On another note – I wanted to go with FileFactory as a mirror, but uploading files for free accounts is down because of overcapacity. Let me know what you think about the set I settled with for now.
PPS: donor projects page is under reorganization, so prices are down for now – they’ll probably be under links (or they may come back later as well)
PPPS: I’ll be reuplaoding at least part of the releases as soon as we settle down with mirrors for sure – completed books, doujins and oneshots are on that list (in that order of importance).

[Hirohisa Onikubo] Trick-Ster Ch.7

This is about the only sfw pic in the chapter XD
And another part of Hoshina’s fall. Satsuki still has things up her sleeve for Hoshina, what will it be this time? Find out here.
Take a look to the donor page, there are two new projects you will like. This one ends in one more chapter, so stay tuned to see the conclusion!!
Chapter courtesy of DrtyBird.
Take a look here – we have things you can donate for as well!!
US / FSo / DF

[Bar Peachpit] Sho-Chu-Rock 2 Ch.11-12 [END]


Last two chapters courtesy of Volks and Jaylou1010.

And another book is up! I hope everyone loved it. We went back to make a few corrections in previous chapters, including one horrid mistake on my end related to some numbers. I also re-edited a little the only split page of the book (I hope). Thanks go to everyone involved in this project! Thank you guys!
Also, happy New Year (there are still fireworks flying as I write those words).
RG / UL / OL
And only last 2 chapters:
As always, all the links available in Finished Projects section.