Tsundere, booby, cute megane girl for teh win!!
Could you resist those eyes? Could you?
So, here’s another chapter from DV, just the two more to go. It’s a chapter about megane girl closed in some kind of archive room, but that’s unimportant – what’s important is that she’s hawt and cute and hawt and she wears stylish glasses. Oh and did I mention she’s hawt? And she wears longsocks! 😀
Don’t make her cry anymore and leave a comment!!1
Yay, only two more chapters to the end.
Chapter brought to you with joined forces of Afro Thunda and Raikoh.
This project is fully sponsored, but maybe you’re interested in something else?
Here’s whole book translated.
HF / UP / DF
PS: Do you think that I could remove Tags from the sidebar? It gives nothing and just makes it more cramped out there? I bet no-one even uses that.