[Dobato] Shoujo to Gang to Aoi Yoru Ch.7-8 [END]


And the last piece of this book. Some loose ends connect and everything wraps up. I hope you will enjoy.
Courtesy of DrtyBird.
Big thanks to DrtyBird and Zathael for donating for this project and Afro Thunda and Axalon for proofreading it for me. Special thanks to Job Truniht for pointing out mistakes before the book was completed.
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[Nendo.] Shoujo Kousai Ch.9 [END]


Mai, the strategist men-sweeper is back to complete her plan. I hope you will enjoy.
With this, we’re done with the book. Finally. Great thanks to Zathael for commissioning it as well as everyone involved – Afro Thunda, PureEnergy, my QC. Special thanks to Axalon and Job Truniht who gave me their hands in some final tweaks.
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