[Kazasuzu] PuriPuri Mermaid Ch.2

Oh look, I dug out one more random release for you. I don’t know why, but commissioner wanted this chapter (skipping first one from the book), so it may be a little out of place – the guy has some potency problems and friends took him to the public pool to hit on some girls and this chapter is an effect of a random water race between the guy and a girl.
Chapter courtesy of Snake520.
Hook up a fish for yourself too!!
US / FSo / DF
On other news:
Queue is updated.
Nik_ just commissioned a chapter by Naoshi Onizuka from One Hot Minute (Ch.3), it’s being treated as oneshot commission, but if I understand his plans correctly, he ultimately wants us to fill in the yet untranslated chapters so the books was completed.

[Shinogi A-Suke] Yuugen Futsuma Kidan

Remember her?

Seems like somebody’s trying to get rid of her.
And tonight, we’re sharing another chapter by Shinogi A-Suke with you. Continuation of the chapter we shared last time. I hope you’ll like it.
Also, it’s a round 400th release!! Man it’s been fun to bring them to you, now if you’ll excuse me, I’m taking a month of vacation.
Chapter commissioned by Nik_.
Let yourself get possessed by a beautiful girl as well.
BS / FF / DF
PS: the vacation part was a joke, of course 😛

[Nozarashi Satoru] The Dirty Randori She Brought On Herself Ch.2 [END]

And a surprise share. After over half a year, we’re delivering you the second part of a story about a brutal girl getting abused by a group of worthless trash.
As previously, it was a commission from Raikoh.
Show Download Links “[Nozarashi Satoru] The Dirty Randori She Brought On Herself Ch.2 [END]”

[TAKE] Brave Maiden Kanin Sange Ch.7

Tonight’s share is next brave bitch chapter. This time in more sci-fi section, though still with the same kind of story – girl gets brainwashed… over and over again xD I suspect I missed some tags and actually, that they don’t even come close to explain what you can expect in that chapter.
Chapter courtesy of pLx.
This project is commissioned already, but we have some others that would use your help.
US / FSo / DF

[Hirohisa Onikubo] Trick-Ster Ch.5

That look, she’s up to no good for sure.
Tonight’s share is yet another trickery chapter. Hoshina’s experiencing even more of Satsuki’s wrath. Join them to see what’s gonna happen this time.
Chapter brought to you by DrtyBird.
If you like this book, consider donating for more chapters.
US / FSo / DF
And bulks with previous chapters:
US / FSo / DF
PS: We had some DNS errors randomly appearing and solving themselves in some areas last 2 days. I hope it’s all sorted out now and everyone can access the blog.

[Ooishi Chuuni] W Dessert Ch. 4

Oh Mio, you so cute. Huh? That’s not Mio, you say? Well, I’ll show her what happens to girls who attempt to impersonate Akiyama Mio the only way a 2D person living in Japan knows how…

That’s right. It’s…. RAPE TIME!!!
Fear not, people! Nobody was raped in the making of this chapter, though one person will be feeling that way by the end…
In any case, what we have here is a re-edit of a one-shot that was done a while back, Avatar in the Earth by Ooishi Chuuni. You see, Ooishi Chuuni’s new book, W Dessert, came out a few days ago. So Afro, the friendly neighborhood QC, thought it would be nice to take the translation and re-edit it into the tank scans. So he did. And this is what you have today, a sorta/kinda joint release. It’s the same translation, but the edit is much different from the previous magazine scans. So if you hate it, blame Afro. If you don’t, praise us both! If you so choose, you can pick this chapter up here or you can visit Afro Thunda’s site and pick it up there. Either way, be sure to leave your thanks here, there or on both.
US | FSo | DF
Now then, word on the E-streets is that Afro intends to re-edit a few more stories in this book that were previously translated using the magazine scans. That includes two of the magic age-changing Fox Girl stories already available on the site and one other story translated elsewhere, so if you prefer tankoubon scans over magazine scans, they’ll be coming eventually. That would also bring the book down to 7 untranslated chapters. With that in mind, there is one thing that must be made clear: There is no intention of doing any of the other untranslated stories in W Dessert. This is a commission-type blog though. So everyone knows what must be done to change that if you might be interested in those untranslated chapters, right?