[Nendo.] Bishoujo Sister Koakuma Kei Ch.5


A chapter about peerless meganekko who’s not afraid of discovering new things, if you know what I mean 😉 She’s also an older sister kinda character, so you could call it a lolidom 😉
Enjoy your Nendo after a short break.
Chapter commissioned by Raikoh.
This book is already translated, you can grab corrected version from Finished Projects section.
FSo / DF
PS: I forgot to mention – I’m thinking about doing a “new projects week” meaning I want to use this time to release first chapters of following books: Newmanoid CAM, Anata o Sutte mo iidesuka?, Amami Dokoro. I hope donors from other projects will understand (Fukuro no Nakami and Brave Maiden will probably have to wait though). After those releases, I’ll go back to MiniMimi, Chubra, Haha no Naku Ie and others that I have in stock for you.

[R Koga] Bubunteki Otonaka Keikaku Ch.8


Been a while since we met Mio and Kohime.
Chapter courtesy of Zathael.
Check it out, we have some other books waiting for your sponsoring!!
This book is already translated, you can grab corrected version from Finished Projects section.
FSo / DF
PS: Uploading fucks with me EVERY fucking time I upload something lately, so we’re trying out FileSonic (FSo).



You say what you want, but I love Kuroneko the best from OreImo series 😛
A doujin on OreImo series. Kuroneko goes out with Kyousuke. She doesn’t believe in his feelings and wants him to swear it through a “ceremony”, like you’d expect from black mage gothic lolita.
Doujin brought to you by Chaosrains.
Swear your love to Kuroneko too!
Show Download Links “[DECOPPACHI] SWEET*CURSE”

[Miyabi Tsuzuru] Haha no Naku Ie Ch.1

Delicious milf is delicious.
Yet another chapter about milfs from this book. To make it clear for everyone (since I saw some comments earlier) – there’s one more chapter about milfs (chapter 3) and TWO more chapters about the bookstore girls that will be showing, this is not the end of the book yet!!
Chapter courtesy of Grey Fox.
Show Download Links “[Miyabi Tsuzuru] Haha no Naku Ie Ch.1”

[Namonashi] Ken yori Tsuyoshi Ch.1

You know you want to see that challenge.
“New” project started by Zathael is finally being released. Book contains few longer stories (iirc) and first one is about obsessed with masturbation Tetsuya, who’s moved for work recently, leaving him alone at home… well, not really alone – there’s a girl who’s supposed to keep an eye on him… And she’s a traditional girl, who tries her best to straighten up Tetsuya so he doesn’t bring shame on his family. I hope you’ll like it. Art is pretty much superb and full of win.
English title of the book is “Mightier than the Sword”.
Chapter brought to you by Zathael.
If you like this book, how about chipping-in for more chapters?
HF / UP / DF

[LEE] MiniMimi Ch.1


You want to be pet loli’s pet now.
I was gonna release it yesterday, but turned out that I came back at 4am. A little warning for people with weak heart – you better get some pills, same goes for people with diabetes. This one is a cuteness overflow with cat-girl as leading role (pretty much whole book). Either way, I hope you’ll like this. It’s instant HNNNNGH!!
Chapter courtesy of Zathael.
There’s one more short chapter left to commission, so you better hurry if you want to be part of this as well.
HF / UP / DF