[HINJYAKU] Kizuitara, Itsunomanika Kimobuta Otoko no Ochinpo Ana ni Tsukurikaerarete ita Onnanoko no Ohanashi ~Nou Kiseichuu Hen~ (279-388)

Ugh, finally the next part is ready. There were some delays, some because of me, some I had no influence on, so sorry that I made you wait. Well, I just hope you’ll like it. Also, I don’t plan to resume accepting commissions for this one at least until I’m into 500s or 600s with releases. It’s a bit sad, because I would probably be over 1000 by now, but I can’t keep accepting more when so many parts are in limbo.

Courtesy of anonymous.

Show Download Links “[HINJYAKU] Kizuitara, Itsunomanika Kimobuta Otoko no Ochinpo Ana ni Tsukurikaerarete ita Onnanoko no Ohanashi ~Nou Kiseichuu Hen~ (279-388)”

[Hori Hiroaki] DEBUT [Complete]

And 4th! book out today… It’s a set of school-related stories with both students and teachers having sex alike. The last 2 chapters are a bit of a spin on idols, and a bit darker than others as well.

This is what I’ve been doing past year, so I hope you will enjoy every moment with today’s releases… And excuse some delays or lack of releases now and then…

Courtesy of SL-Gundam.

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