[Furaipan Daimaou] Sengoku Gohan Cushion


Sweet Hideyoshi-chan eating rice, as always.
Today’s share is a douijn on Sengoku Collection. I honestly don’t know what I can say, without spoiling the story. Be prepared for a little ewww-ness and enjoy~
Doujin courtesy of Darkfire.
Check out how you can commission a doujin yourself too.
BS / DF / RG

Do you guys know, that jlist sells various manga magazines as well? They’re usually full of posters and other great stuff, so if you’re i need of some moe posters to decorate your room, you definitely should check them. For example, this Megami Deluxe issue seems to have some moelicious Accel World and PapaKiki posters (among few other). It’s worth to check all of their stock, I suppose.

[Jidou Hikki] moccan x moccan


Sweet Moccan!! <3
Tonight’s treat is a RKB doujin with Moccan and Subarun giving in to his lust. I hope you will like it.
Doujin curtesy of Firewater.
You can commission a doujin by yourself too.
BS / FF / DF /

So, I was just looking for what I could advertise tonight and BAM (yep, I mean a fucking BAAAAAAM). Awesome Mafuyu from KxKxK figurine!! She’s wearing the bottom of her maid costume from hanime, thigh-highs, she’s topless and she’s showing her amazing panties to you!! It’s a must have fig! When looking around in the fig section, I found Anaru from AnoHana fig too, another character I like in case you’re looking for something less risky.