[Yukino Yukikaze] Under Nine Ch.7


Say ‘hi’ to lolicon-ojichan 😉
Uhm, does that even need captions?!
If you lend money, you can end up in a situation like that – I dare to say that it’s a dream situation for lolicons 😉 Also, it turns out that it’s good to have a cosplay clothes in the drawer in case of a situations like that…
Before you hog the rar, a word of warning: This chapter contains some pretty intensive loli rape so you’re downloading it on your own risk – I wouldn’t like to see a flame war about hating rape manga. (but I wait for any non-flaming comments!)
This chapter is sponsored by anonymous.
This book is already translated, you can grab corrected version from Finished Projects section.

[Ohtomo Takuji] Drinking Virgin Ch.7

Dun, dun, DUN!
Poor busty girl, what will happen with her?
Do you like your busty megane schoolgirl in her tracksuit? I bet you do!! This is the second and last part of busty megane Arc.
I’d like to take that opportunity and remind you about comments – moar!! 😉

This chapter was sponsored by Haohmaru and Zathael.

Here’s whole book translated.

aka Gokkun Shojo
And yeah – I should be back to regular translating starting tomorrow, but we have to wait for Len a little longer – either way, there shouldn’t be any serious drawbacks with new releases for now.  Thank you for keeping up with us despite that latest inactivity. On the other news – I feel like I developed a pretty serious 2D Complex – thank God Genshiken’s philosophy makes me feel better:

Also – I recommend Pixy’s hentai anime (especially Taimanin Asagi, Dark Love and Kangoku Senkan … pretty fscking awesome !!111 – afaik the last one has no subs yet)

[K2tomonokai] Senjouno Nichijouno

I’d take her proposition! ^__^
This is a commission I made for doujin-moe.us not so long ago – they just published that and you can grab it at their site along with other works, or here. Also – it’s not numbered 😛
This is a doujin of Code Geass and is split in two parts – one with Lelouch x C.C. and the other one is random officers x C.C. and it contains quite funny moments as well. Have fun!
Show Download Links “[K2tomonokai] Senjouno Nichijouno”

[Nakata Yumi] Chu-Bra!! STEP.3

I told you it has tons of fansercive!! Haruka has awesome breasts!!
I think that Yako-chan is a tsundere.
In this chapter we get to know Yako-chan a little more and I have to say, that she’s really cute in the close-ups!! Don’t blame me if you fell in love!!1 By the way, for some reason I like calling Yako with ‘chan’ (or even ‘chin’ ;)) even in reviews, while I don’t feel like it when writing about Haruka and Nayu…
I hope you guys really like it 😀
This chapter is commissioned by Zathael.
If you like it, consider donating towards translating next chapter.
Links to whole Volume are in Finished Projects section!!
[spoiler show=”Show Title Explanation” hide=”Hide Title Explanation”]I decided to write a little something about the title of this manga(and why I write Chu-Bra!! and not, as some places do – Chuubura), so here we go.
Chu-Bra or「ちゅーぶら」 is a game of words on “Chu” and “Bra”. In Japan people tend do short some words, when used in some cases – Chu (or Chuu) is an abbreviation for “Chuugakkou” which is of course “Middle School” — as we all know, Nayu and the rest were just enrolled in a middle school, which makes the perfect sense. The second part is of course “Bra” – I think it doesn’t call for explanation. Title in full is a game of words stating that this manga is all about underwear(female) in the eyes of middle school students – we could try translating it in many ways as it has no direct translation in English, but imho “Middle School Bra” is the closest one to the original — though it’s not catchy, so I left the original, weeaboo title. The “-” is used simply for aesthetic purposes – to match English way of joining few words that consist for adjective-like  describes.[/spoiler]

[Gomennasai] Omase de Gomen! Ch.1


Oh no he didn’t … How could he shut the door on that cute girl!? >_>
Funny and weird story in Gomennasai’s style with some craziness!
This is new donor project. If you like it, consider donating towards next chapters!
Afro Thunda Edit: For those late to the party, follow this link for the complete and polished up book: Omase de Gomen Complete

[TANA] Kimi no Hitomi ni Koi Shiteru Ch.5

Size of her breasts – E as in Epic xD But yeah, seriously – what size is that?!
This is first of random stories from TANA’s book. An incest-related story about this busty beauty and younger guy. It pays off to be bad at studying – you can be lucky enough to have a tutor like that!! And yeah – this is your regular TANA-like perverted story.

This donor project is already fully sponsored, but if you like my work, maybe you are interested in donating for other projects?

Donor: anonymous

Full Book


[Asami Sekiya] Girls Shower Ch.3


Cute Kouko-chan <3
It turns out that it’s ok to play with dolls …
Have fun reading that incest-approved chapter. Damn, it’s been too long since I translated some Asami’s works.
And the title is a direct translation from japanese.
First few pages are in color ! ^_^
I think that this artist actually doesn’t need advertising – we all love Asami’s stories, right? RIGHT!? 😀
Chapter commissioned by Zathael. If you want to see more of this artist, consider donating towards next chapters.
HF / DFHF re-uploaded 2009.12.22

[Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short Ch.5

Hey, at least he’s honest with that !!
Cause fifth chapter is about time to introduce new girl. Hai thar busty girl :3
Oh god, I’m jealous of Cherry now ^__^ Hey, remember that girls Miyamoto was scared of at the end of last chapter? Guess what – he had a reason 😀

This chapter is sponsored by RiftgarretIf you wish to see more of this translated, you can donate.

First volume is done.