[Akatama] 07 Summer Neko


Oh hai thar <3~
A doujin on Gegege no Kitarou about Neko Musume suffering from her heat. It’s been a while since I’ve seen such a cute loli. For those that are not familiar with the series, neko Musume ( Cat Girl ) is some youkai ( too bad she’s not actually a neko-girl 🙁 ). And oh irony, she’s being used by Nezumi Otoko ( Mouse Man)… as I read bios, seems like Nezumi Otoko is a swindler that won’t hesitate to sell his friends off if it can bring him profits and that he stinks… Neko Musume is possibly in love with Kitarou guy that’s main character of the anime ( here only mentioned ).
Quality of raws wasn’t really good, but I did all I could to make it look nice – I also played around with covers (but I left originals as well in case you prefer them that way), my versions are with “b” in the filename.
Doujin brought to you by Genkouhande.
Get a loli in a heat for yourself too.

[Tokisana] Maria of the Battlefield (Limit Break Ch.1)

Girls with guns? Why not!
A single chapter about some military bitch that becomes a slut really fast brought to you by yours trully 3333h.
Hope you’ll enjoy it. Yes – this is considered as oneshot commission. Also, this is the mildest rape/mind break chapter I’ve ever seen in my life xD
Oneshot courtesy of 3333h.
Maybe you want to see some doujin or something translated? We also have some regular projects that need your support!
US / UP / DF
PS: Does anybody use up-to-date Chrome from dev channel and has problems with writing posts in newest wordpress as well? WordPress tabs freeze on me when I write/edit posts at random.

[Pooca] Mayoi is a Taboo


The second one for today from Raikoh.
Two part doujin on Bakemonogatari featuring Mayoi, Nadeko, Tsubasa, some random shotas and Araragi. This one’s a really hot one.
US / UP / DF / dj-moe
PS: It’s something like a Santa Claus Day (not the Christmas, don’t be mistaken) in my place, so I guess you can interpret it as something like a gift from Raikoh and me ^_^ I think that third release can be coming your way later or tomorrow 😉
PS: Any additional updates or info in few hours – I just came back home and I’m tired.

[Miyabi Tsuzuru] Haha no Naku Ie Ch.9

Delicious milf yet again (I promise that it’s the last milf at least for next 7 chapters from this book)
A oneshot story from Miyabi’s book about a milf with some little restaurant that’s pretty run down and with some problems. But no fret, there are good-willed people that will help it stay in business.
Chapter courtesy of Grey Fox.
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