[Nendo.] Sister Driller Ch.9 [END]


OUCH, That gotta hurt (or maybe not?)
This chapter is actually almost as funny as the main series imo.
Chapter courtesy of Zathael.

Another completed book this week. I hope you enjoyed this book at least as much as I did. It’s a great mix of moeness, lolis, and humor – definitely a must see for all loli-lovers.
I really have to thank Zathael for both – finding this book and finishing it up later on, thanks to other donors too for helping out with it – AnonMan, Artemis and Raikoh. Big thanks to Afro Thunda for all his hard work with me too!
Also, there will be a little break from Nendo, but not too long – we already have previous book to work on.
HF / UP / DF
If you want only last chapter, here it is:
HF / UP / DF

[Aspergillus] Innocent Blue


UUUUGH! I envy him so much!!
Zettai Lovely Kids go home for a while after they graduated from school, but Minamoto ended up making promise he hasn’t thought through (or maybe he has?). Either way, I enjoyed this doujin, because it has my favorite character from the anime. HNNGH’s are guaranteed, I even ended up hearing her voice while reading it. Also, lol at the ending xD
Doujin brought to you by Fatjoe.
Teleport a doujin for yourself too!!
US / UP / DF
PS: Came out I need to go to Ireland this week (yay for less than 72h notice), so I can’t tell you exactly how will the schedule look like for a while. For now, I’ll be uploading stuff with about unchanged pace as long as internet connection allows that. I’m gonna work as much as I can too, but I have no idea how things look over there now. I may be slow with responding to mails too. I also mentioned that to those that already contacted me about new projects, but excluding already decided books, I’m putting off all decisions for about a week from now to see how things work out (I wouldn’t like to end up making you wait too long for your favorite series). Good thing about that leave? I may be able to take a break from my irl issues here and maybe get some fresh air. Oh, and  maybe I stop drinking so much xD

[Yukino Yukikaze] Under Nine Ch.5


Any questions?
We’re almost at the end of the Under Nine book – boy it’s been a long time since I started working on this one. Today, we’re introducing you with the concluding chapter for Kanako’s side of the story (after happy ending for Miku in the fourth chapter). We get to know some reasons, like what happened that she’s so precocious or why she loves her brother and many more. I hope you’ll like the ending too.
And now, before you proceed to downloading, there’s my first announcement:

[spoiler show=”Read” hide=”Hide”]

As this book is nearing to an end and I came to agreement with our friend, Zathael – after this book is completed, there’s going to be new loli project opened in that place. Actually there was some background story, where he’s been cursing Nihility for making him see something he couldn’t unsee. His first goal was to get some epic regular project, but after seeing the overly cute catgirls in that particular book, he couldn’t resist 😛
So, after few agreements, we decided to go with Lee’s MiniMimi book after this book is finished. Zathael already donated for two opening chapters, so if you’re Lee’s fan and want to help too, feel free to mail me for details. Official information in donor projects section will show up after releasing the last chapter of Under Nine. The second part of the story and what hides behind “agreement” will be revealed next week, so don’t miss it – It’ll be worth it.
On another note, I was gonna take care of MiniMimi like half a year ago, but person interested in it gave up and it was rather hectic time for me as well, so you can say that it’s a re-heated project 😉


Chapter courtesy of Jerryblaine.
This book’s coming to an end, but we have other projects you may be interested in.
This book is already translated, you can grab corrected version from Finished Projects section.
As this is the last chapter before the end of the book and we’re working on putting all chapters together along with corrections, no bulk links this time – if you need to remind yourself the story, use links from previous release.

[Sakurafubuki Nel] Happy Mail


D-AAW, I’ll be your bf~
Here’s a oneshot by Sakurafubuki for you guys – damn, it’s been a while since I did something by him, right? Did you miss him on my blog? 😀 I hope so. Well, I can’t really write much about this chapter or I’d spoil it for you, but it’s really hot chapter. I really like Sakurafubuki’s art (and those delicious kneesocks/longsocks ^^)
Chapter brought to you by anonymous.
Get yourself a loli friend too.
US / UP / DF

[Nendo.] Sister Driller Ch.7


I fell in love just now. Also – wanna bet? 😛
Another short story by Nendo for you from Zathael. This time, about a little introvert sex demon.
Chapter cutesy of Zathael.
This book is commissioned already, but we have another book by Nendo or other projects that would use your help!
This book is already translated, you can grab corrected version from Finished Projects section.