[Ohtomo Takuji] Drinking Virgin Ch.9

Tsundere, booby, cute megane girl for teh win!!

Could you resist those eyes? Could you?
So, here’s another chapter from DV, just the two more to go. It’s a chapter about megane girl closed in some kind of archive room, but that’s unimportant – what’s important is that she’s hawt and cute and hawt and she wears stylish glasses. Oh and did I mention she’s hawt? And she wears longsocks! 😀
Don’t make her cry anymore and leave a comment!!1
Yay, only two more chapters to the end.
Chapter brought to you with joined forces of Afro Thunda and Raikoh.
This project is fully sponsored, but maybe you’re interested in something else?

Here’s whole book translated.

HF / UP / DF
PS: Do you think that I could remove Tags from the sidebar? It gives nothing and just makes it more cramped out there? I bet no-one even uses that.

[Takatu] Sore wa Rekishi ni Kakanaide! Ch.3

Nothing good can come of this… Though actually, it may be a great idea – teaching girls how should perfect imouto be like with a “manga”…
So yeah, in this chapter you can enjoy Toto acting as an imouto… and wearing an awesome swimsuit *hanaji*
Oh yes, I strongly recommend this chapter <3 I think that I shuld’ve use a pic with Toto in swimsuit, but I guess this way it will have bigger impact when you read it 😉
Brought to you by LetMeBe.
If you like this manga, maybe you’d like to chip-in for more?
HF / UP / DF
The following announcement brought to you by Afro Thunda:
Hello there, potential downloader. If you’ve found your way to this post, be happy to know that this project has since been completed. You can still download the individual chapters if you’d like, but biribiri and I recommend you grab the full batch (links below) since all the chapters, including this one, have been polished up for the complete release. The individual links haven’t, so you aren’t getting the best version available. So use the links below!
HF / UP / DF

[TANA] Sono Ato no Kimi no Hitomi ni Koi Shiteru

Holly fuck it’s in color!!1
Continuation of the Kimi no Hitomi ni Koi Shiteru tankoubon I finished some time ago. I recommend it to everyone who liked Manabu x Sae arc. As a gift, you have it in PNG.
This is a short oneshot, but I’m adding it to tankoubon’s category for easier find. I don’t even know where was it released or anything – I can’t even find RAWs anymore ^^”
US / UP / DF

[Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short Ch.7.5

Whee ball grabbing in the morning xD

This POV is awesome … I want to wake up on a girl like Suu-chan’s lap someday.
This is an Another Story chapter – I named it 7.5 for number consistency – it takes place between chapters 7 and 8 so I guess the naming is alright. Don’t expect it to be connected to the actual story – at least not most of it, seriously.
Also, it means that there are only two last chapters before the end of the first book.
Chapter brought to you by Omega999.
If you like this story, consider donating for second volume.

First volume is done.

HF / UP / DF

PS: As I remember Len helped a little with this chapter as well, but when I release whole book there won’t be any extinguishing who corrected which chapter, so I hope he won’t get a mad for not being mentioned in credits…

[Ohtomo Takuji] Drinking Virgin Ch.8

Gamer girl spotted!!
Another one of the random stories from Drinking Virgin for you. Enjoy your gamer beauty Ohtomo-style… damn, anything I want to write here would be a spoiler >_<
Chapter sponsored by Raikoh.
This project is fully sponsored, but maybe you want to donate for something else?

Here’s whole book translated.

HF / UP / DF
aka. Gokkun Shojo

[Takatu] Sore wa Rekishi ni Kakanaide! Ch.2 + Ch.2.3

So yeah, in this chapter shows up new woman in Kouichi’s life… Really sexy dark skinned woman… Damn, I should’ve became a historian!
Pack contains second chapter and a little bonus called 2.3.
Chapters courtesy of Zathael and LetMeBe.
If you like this book, consider donating for a chapter.
HF / UP / DF
The following announcement brought to you by Afro Thunda:
Hello there, potential downloader. If you’ve found your way to this post, be happy to know that this project has since been completed. You can still download the individual chapters if you’d like, but biribiri and I recommend you grab the full batch (links below) since all the chapters, including these two, have been polished up for the complete release. The individual links haven’t, so you aren’t getting the best version available. So use the links below!
HF / UP / DF

[Crazy9] Kanojo no Sentaku – Senou Natsuru no Baai –

Or in English: Her Choice – the Case of Senou Natsuru –
is another doujin published by doujin-moe for free.

There weren’t much images that I could use as preview, seriously.
This is a doujin of anime Kampfer. Those, who watched it, should know that Natsuru is in reality a man (that by some magic-like force is being changed into a girl), so it’s almost like a trap – my mind was going haywire during translating this one. I’m really happy to be able to share it with you as well, since it’s pretty awesome piece.
US / UP / DF / doujin-moe
PS: is oral and regular sex done simultaneously considered as double penetration?
PPS: This one has a little different style than anything I did till now – I hope it’s enjoyable.

[Gold Rush] Gold Rush 47 – Thank You

OOOh yeah, I can work really hard when Lacus encourages me! *goes to translate next chapter*
It’s a happy tender love after story for Gundam Seed (or Gundam Seed Destiny I believe). Lacus visits Kira. I hope you like it.
It’s another piece shared by doujin-moe – you can get it from them, or here:
US / UP / DF
PS: Bandwidth problems messed the schedule – next ‘regular’ release will be tomorrow or the day after and one more around the weekend. I have more b/w now, so it shouldn’t happen again. Sorry.

Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo EP1


Here’s a piece scripted by me for Erobeat back around Christmas and released just now. I’m yet to see it as I did only script and for SD version at that, but I hope you’ll like it.

It’s a first eisode of Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo – a story about a guy and three completely different sisters. The guy, Haruomi lived on an island that suffered from volcano cum eruption and had to move to his friend’s house – accidentally the friend is a girl and she has two sisters – Let the harem begin!!1
I personally like Mafuyu best (the blonde one).

[Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short Ch.7

Nothing’s better than a pool in the summer with a bunch of hot girls. It seems that Cherry really likes being with Maki.

This line is bad in so many ways D: What is she going to do!?
I can assure you that you want to know what happened at the pool!
Another chapter from Angels – just a three more to the end of the volume so stay tuned ^__^
Commissioned by Omega999.
If you wish to see more of this translated, you can donate.

First volume is done.