Another chapter about Toto and Kouichi… the unofficial end of the arc – next chapter will be an orgy chapter and there’s still one more chapter to that at the very end of the book (and that one needs a donation!).
Chapter brought to you with joint forces of Blak4dr and Mirumu.
It’s the last chance for you to take part in this project, only one small chapter left to sponsor! Remember that even a dollar or two can work magic. Book is fully sponsored, thank you Ehud, but we have other stories.
HF / UP / DF
The following announcement brought to you by Afro Thunda:
Hello there, potential downloader. If you’ve found your way to this post, be happy to know that this project has since been completed. You can still download the individual chapters if you’d like, but biribiri and I recommend you grab the full batch (links below) since all the chapters, including this one, have been polished up for the complete release. The individual links haven’t, so you aren’t getting the best version available. So use the links below!
HF / UP / DF
PS: As the project is sponsored now and I received a heads-up about Takatu having one more tank called “Mamma Mia!”, I’m asking if you want that to be a replacement for the Rekishi when it’s done? I still have a shitload of other propositions though.
[spoiler show=”About numbering of following chapters” hide=”Hide Me”]
After thinking through the numbering of chapters and taking in consideration that most of you keep single archives, I’m going to go with numbering for upcoming chapters as follows:
Ch.7 – “Sore wa Rekishi ni Kakanaide! Ch.5.9”
Ch.8 – “Okaa-san wa Shinpaishou”
Ch.9 – “Tatta Hitoban de Engi no Haba ga Gungun Hirogaru Lesson Hou”
Ch.10 – “Sore wa Rekishi ni Kakanaide! Ch.7”
Category: artists
[Kakumei Seifu Kouhoushitsu] Lunatic Udon

Damn right it’s unfair!
A little orgy doujin between Reisen x Nazrin x Aya from Touhou – so in other words, a chapter full of animal-girls!!1
This one contains futa and few nasty actions – you’ve been warned and now DLDLDLDLDL and ENJOY~ Oh how I laughed at this one 😀
Doujin brought to you by Azure Xuchilbara.
Get your own futa orgy.
US / UP / DF
Oh right, circle’s also known as Radiohead.
[Nanana Nana] Fundamental Eleven Ch.7

My friends came over~
You already know that she’s up to nothing good.
Another chapter from Fundamental. Enjoy your not so pure lolis~ Oh and lol at the very end xD
Chapter courtesy of Fatjoe.
This book’s already sponsored, but we have other lolis that would like you to befriend them.
Links to whole book published in Finished Projects section.
HF / UP / DF
[Fumihiro] The Witch in a Forest
Both of them are awesome! Which one do you want to win? 😉
So, here you are another surprise release for the day – it’s a commission I did a while back and that Raikoh just published for free. Enjoy your tentacle~
As always, you can get them from here, or dj-moe.
US / UP / DF / dj-moe
PS: I guess you could call it yuri 😉
[Nendo.] Loli Ero Ch.2

But it looks cute like that~
Yet another loli brought to you by Zathael.
If you wish to see more of this, consider donating.
HF / UP / DF
PS: So yeah, stuff happens in my life, but I try as hard as I can not letting it rebound on my work – releases should be regular at least for now. And thanks to all who wishes me good. I don’t really want to wash my dirts here, so all I’m going to say is: No, it’s not related to health – just some family affairs are rotten.
In other news, do you really want next Gomen’s update consist of two chapters? I’d actually rather have it split ( Ch.5 sometime in a week and a half and few days later Ch.12).
[Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short: Full Passion Ch.2
Another chapter from Angels for you, this time full of Kaede. Have fun~
Chapter brought to you by GjustG.
This book has been finished, we advise using links with corrected versions from Finished Projects section, or bulk from post with last chapter!!
HF / UP / DF
[Nakata Yumi] Chu-Bra!! STEP.6
School violence ;x
That teacher’s really busty sexy~
Another one from Chu-Bra!! Nayu has a long day and that stalker approaches and, and… this is almost the end of the first volume – just one more chapter and special to go.
Chapter brought to you by Sudz.
If you like that story, consider donating for more.
Links to whole Volume are in Finished Projects section!!
HF / UP / DF
[Asami Sekiya] Oink
Typical Asami’s moemoe~ loli…
…this time being a little glutton.
There is a lot of hawt emphasizes on girl eating stuff in this one 😀
A little romance story from Asami with funny ending you wouldn’t expect!! My personal thanks to Hayama Kotono for pointing out my error on page 15 – thanks man! Scans were rather low quality with a lot of dirt, so I cleaned them a little while being at that.
Oneshot brought t you by Zathael – our attending one-man Asami deliver.
Show Download Links “[Asami Sekiya] Oink”
[Nanana Nana] Fundamental Eleven Ch.6

Delicious acting-coach loli will do anything ^^
A little late, but here you are. Another chapter form Fundamental Eleven for you. I was said that this series is overboard… Is it?
Commissioned by Fatjoe.
We still have some more lolis for you here.
Links to whole book published in Finished Projects section.
HF / UP / DF
PS: Took me over 10 tries to upload it ;x
[Ookamiuo] Loli Gabuu Ch.6

Bunnygirl cospalying loli waitress! Could you want anything more? 😀
Another chapter from Loli Gabuu for you guys, have fun with your bunny.
Chapter sponsored by Zetsu.
If you like this book, consider donating for other chapters.
Show Download Links “[Ookamiuo] Loli Gabuu Ch.6”