Dun, DUN, DUNN!!
Another chapter from Alice’s Simulator. A romance story with happy ending (no killing this time, guys – actually, you may like how it ends 😉 ). It brings us a really important lesson not to go into the woods in search for a falling star at night, not unless you’re going with a hot/cute (or whatever your tastes are) girl. I had a flash of a nice idea for credits this time, I hope you’ll like that too 😀 Also, no bulk, sorry – we’re almost at the end of the book, I don’t have the strength to prepare it and there are gonna be correction for previous chapters either way.
Chapter brought to you by our peculiar-lolis-lover Fatjoe. (I just had to do it, you don’t mind it do you? :P)
Hey, we have some other spawns of projects waiting to hatch, you know?
This book is already translated, you can grab corrected version from Finished Projects section.
FSo / DF
PS: I confused release numbers again XD
[Akira Yamato] Simulacre no Alice Ch.12