[CHIBIKKO KINGDOM] Shitsuren Kashima to Karaoke H & Skeb Matome
So, I believe this is like a sequel to the other book I did some time ago, or some kinda sidestory… Kashima goes to karaoke to unwind… and let me just say it – Kashima cosplaying as Shimakaze is the best Kashima 😉 And aside of the story with Kashima, there’s a few other, short stories and a bunch of nice images.
Courtesy of anonymous.
RG / UL / MX
Edit (11/11): fixed name of one character.
Is the name of the girl in pg23 supposed to be kekocha? Because I read the raws and the name reads Kagamiya. Was that intentional or a mistake?
A Freudian slip :d