Adorable loli is adorable. Remember a certain short doujin by Second Cry we did a while back? Well, I decided to translate the complete version of it, with a help of Kudo from LoliLoli Hunters, who edited it for us. I hope you will enjoy it as much as we did. BS / DF
I'm not sure how something like this slipped by me when it came out, but I am glad that you and Kudo decided to work on this one. The story skips around a bit, but it was still very sweet and adorable. Thanks a lot biribiri and Kudo.
Sandblasted Skin
2012/09/10 4:12
Adorable indeed :3
Thanks guys.
Azure Xuchilbara
2012/09/10 1:36
I guess this author is now one of my top 100 favorite ero-artists of all time…
best manga ive read in a while, thanks
I'm not sure how something like this slipped by me when it came out, but I am glad that you and Kudo decided to work on this one. The story skips around a bit, but it was still very sweet and adorable. Thanks a lot biribiri and Kudo.
Adorable indeed :3
Thanks guys.
I guess this author is now one of my top 100 favorite ero-artists of all time…
Thank you, biribiri and Kudo~
thank you biribiri and kudo. it was well enjoyed.