[Tanmatsu Ijou] Byakko no Tou (formerly Byakko no Yuu)
A side-story for Byakko series, yet again. More Enju time for all of us. I hope you will enjoy it!
Courtesy of Zathael.
This is C93 stuff that took priority for obvious reason, but Zathael actually ordered a few things for all of us as Christmas present! So look forward to it too!
RG / UL / OL / FF
More from this series:
- [Tanmatsu Ijou] Byakko no Tou Sono Ni
- [Tanmatsu Ijou] Byakko no Tou (formerly Byakko no Yuu)
- [Tanmatsu Ijou] Byakko no Mori Sono 10
- [Tanmatsu Ijou] Byakko no Mori Sono 9
- [Tanmatsu Ijou] Byakko no Mori Sono 8
- [Tanmatsu Ijou] Byakko no Mori Sono 7
- [Tanmatsu Ijou, Abnormal Terminal] Enju no Mori -Byakko no Mori Gaiden-
- [Tanmatsu Ijou, Abnormal Terminal] Byakko no Mori Sono 6
- [Tanmatsu Ijou, Abnormal Terminal] Byakko no Mori Sono 5
- [Tanmatsu Ijou, Abnormal Terminal] Byakko no Mori Sono 4
- [Tanmatsu Ijou, Abnormal Terminal] Byakko no Mori Sono 3
- [Tanmatsu Ijou, Abnormal Terminal] Byakko no Mori Sono 2
Many thanx BB and Zathael.
Enju totally set him up. Now we just have to wait and see what Kuchinashi does in response…
Thanks a lot biribiri for all your hard work, and thanks to Axalon for proofreading.
Bless you, Zathael.
Thank you, biribiri and Zathael! Tanmatsu Ijou always brightens my day!