A random doujin about Lunalu from Granblue. This is what happens when a girl from eternal-loli race defenselessly falls asleep on her desk. I hope you will enjoy it.
Courtesy of anonymous.
Oh my god she is so *cute*! That child-like sleepy face makes you want to reach through the 4th wall and give her a hug. Other stuff too, but let's start with a hug. 😀
Thanks a lot biribiri and anonymous.
Because "Sleeping" is on their advertising blacklist, goddamn. It would be fine if it happened faster, because I checked if it's not blocked right after uploading. Fixed.
Oh my god she is so *cute*! That child-like sleepy face makes you want to reach through the 4th wall and give her a hug. Other stuff too, but let's start with a hug. 😀
Thanks a lot biribiri and anonymous.
uploaded link not working.
Because "Sleeping" is on their advertising blacklist, goddamn. It would be fine if it happened faster, because I checked if it's not blocked right after uploading. Fixed.