[Dobato] Shoujo to Gang to Aoi Yoru Ch.7-8 [END]
And the last piece of this book. Some loose ends connect and everything wraps up. I hope you will enjoy.
Courtesy of DrtyBird.
Big thanks to DrtyBird and Zathael for donating for this project and Afro Thunda and Axalon for proofreading it for me. Special thanks to Job Truniht for pointing out mistakes before the book was completed.
And if you want only last part:
More from this series:
*wipes his tears from his eyes* You're doing God's work, Biribiri. *sniff* You're doing God's work…
And so it ends. It was a wild ride, with a couple really rough spots along the way, but it has about as happy of an ending as you could ask for.
Thanks a lot to DrtyBird for getting this thing started and for most of the donations (I think I only helped with a chapter or two). Thanks of course to biribiri for all his hard work, and thanks to Afro Thunda, Axalon, and Job Truniht for proofreading and providing quality control checks along the way. You all did a great job.
Ah, all’s well that end’s well~
Thank you so much for everything, biribiri, DrtyBird, Zathael and everyone who worked on this..!
The happy ending basically makes this Troma's version of Bonnie and Clyde.