Them space tightsuits are just awesome, don’t you agree? Another oneshot story from our list. This time, a stranded space pilot becomes a vanguard of the civilization on a deserted planet. I hope you will enjoy.
Courtesy of Darthalice.
Mhmm mhmm, love those suits~
Eh, the twistedness was the most notable part for me.
2014/11/17 1:01
I didn't read this one at first because of the tags, but I decided to give it a shot. I have to say, I am pleasantly surprised. The story is rather unusual and interesting, and I liked the twist at the end.
Thanks a lot biribiri and Darthalice.
2014/11/16 10:46
zomg, i recognize her! shes my great(*10000) grandmother! Damn she was hot.
2014/11/15 13:58
Really interesting (and simultaneously hot) doujin. Thanks a lot!
Azure Xuchilbara
2014/11/15 9:28
I am LOVING those tags..!
Thank you so much for this awesomeness by Ashimoto Yoika, birbiri and Darthalice..!
Interesting story with a good twist at the end.
Mhmm mhmm, love those suits~
Eh, the twistedness was the most notable part for me.
I didn't read this one at first because of the tags, but I decided to give it a shot. I have to say, I am pleasantly surprised. The story is rather unusual and interesting, and I liked the twist at the end.
Thanks a lot biribiri and Darthalice.
zomg, i recognize her! shes my great(*10000) grandmother! Damn she was hot.
Really interesting (and simultaneously hot) doujin. Thanks a lot!
I am LOVING those tags..!
Thank you so much for this awesomeness by Ashimoto Yoika, birbiri and Darthalice..!