One of the touhou doujins we have in our queue. It’s all about futas, so if you’re not into that, you may not like it. Things escalate quickly in this one, but I hope you will enjoy.
Doujin courtesy of Azure Xuchilbara.
Futa on loli is the best or Futa on short hair Tomboy. But this was good.
2014/02/25 20:41
Many thanx BB and Azure Xuchilbara.
Azure Xuchilbara
2014/02/25 19:11
Thank you, biribiri…This made my entire last week of this month~ @Zathael
Anything with shady-faced males and self-insert OC's in a Touhou doujin are always "Easy-Modo" 1cc fap-runs…Rest assured that you will never see me commission anything involving the above in any Touhou doujin…
I only ever cared about the second part, which is a scrumptious Touhou crack-pairing dealing with canon and power perversion…And I do agree with biribiri that the whole thing felt rushed (I actually wanted the second part to last twice as long)…
2014/02/25 2:49
Yeah, the second part was better, but since they put 2 stories into one short book, they seemed a bit hasted. I didn't really like that pacing personally, just few more pages to draw panels and lines out some more would be better.
2014/02/25 2:26
I was a little worried when I started reading this one, I wasn't expecting so see male on futa. Luckily, that part was rather short and the following futa on futa action was awesome. 🙂
Thanks a lot biribiri and Azure Xuchilbara.
Futa on loli is the best or Futa on short hair Tomboy. But this was good.
Many thanx BB and Azure Xuchilbara.
Thank you, biribiri…This made my entire last week of this month~
Anything with shady-faced males and self-insert OC's in a Touhou doujin are always "Easy-Modo" 1cc fap-runs…Rest assured that you will never see me commission anything involving the above in any Touhou doujin…
I only ever cared about the second part, which is a scrumptious Touhou crack-pairing dealing with canon and power perversion…And I do agree with biribiri that the whole thing felt rushed (I actually wanted the second part to last twice as long)…
Yeah, the second part was better, but since they put 2 stories into one short book, they seemed a bit hasted. I didn't really like that pacing personally, just few more pages to draw panels and lines out some more would be better.
I was a little worried when I started reading this one, I wasn't expecting so see male on futa. Luckily, that part was rather short and the following futa on futa action was awesome. 🙂
Thanks a lot biribiri and Azure Xuchilbara.