I hope you’re ready for some dark story this time. I gotta say I didn’t expect it to be that dark when picking this project. Well then, enjoy it. Also, it’s not strictly loli, just so you know.
Chapter courtesy of Flammz.
You should wash your mouth away with the yesterday's release~ Feels good to read a little vanilla after bad end stories.
2014/01/13 20:39
Ech… very realistic, no longer like 2 days ago I red news about 44 yeras old paedophile who raped His stepdaughter and then He sold recorded videos with how He do it. But He was captured and I hope, that in prison somebody will do Him "autumn of the Middle Ages" from His ass…
Yep, the realistic tune was really strong in that one. It kinda hit me out of nowhere as well. I guess that only gives credits to Shinjima Saki for devising a sound plot (which he does quite often). I expect people are turned down by it, but I hope there are people who appreciate it as a piece of art.
2014/01/10 4:49
Kinda sad but somewhat realistic; Thanks for the translation.
2014/01/10 1:04
Oh boy. Well, thanks for the translation.
Azure Xuchilbara
2014/01/09 23:40
Ah, the fudge master that is Shinjima Saki..! While there is no brownies present here, the story is one that I quite enjoyed…
<blockquote cite="#commentbody-7960">
biribiri :
You should wash your mouth away with the yesterday’s release~ Feels good to read a little vanilla after bad end stories.
Thank You for Your concern 🙂
I already did it with Morishima-senpai and Morinaga-senpai recent Yuri releases 😀
I only occasionally hit something, that it is not in My type, and this was really a coincidence, that manga fiction meets sad reality… Ech.
You should wash your mouth away with the yesterday's release~ Feels good to read a little vanilla after bad end stories.
Ech… very realistic, no longer like 2 days ago I red news about 44 yeras old paedophile who raped His stepdaughter and then He sold recorded videos with how He do it. But He was captured and I hope, that in prison somebody will do Him "autumn of the Middle Ages" from His ass…
Yep, the realistic tune was really strong in that one. It kinda hit me out of nowhere as well. I guess that only gives credits to Shinjima Saki for devising a sound plot (which he does quite often). I expect people are turned down by it, but I hope there are people who appreciate it as a piece of art.
Kinda sad but somewhat realistic; Thanks for the translation.
Oh boy. Well, thanks for the translation.
Ah, the fudge master that is Shinjima Saki..! While there is no brownies present here, the story is one that I quite enjoyed…
Thank you for this treat, biribiri and Flammz~