[Nimaji] Tonari no Henshitsusha

Wasn’t me~
Her mole is kinda hot…
Phew, it took me long time to get into spirit of translating Nimaji again 😉 This is a oneshot from Comic LO 49 called “Pervert Next Door” about a pervert and his sister and their secret and much, much more. Turns out that loving sister is a key to being a successful pervert 😀
Oneshot sponsored by anonymous.
Find your own loving imouto with a mole.
US / UP / DF
PS: Be sure to check last Rekishi’s post for details on numbering chapters.
I’ll be trying to finish few books this month – my plan is to release Fundamental and Gomen this month, and Rekishi as soon as I can as well. Hopefully I’ll manage to fulfill that, but if not, all three should show up by the end of June.
Because a burger tastes better than a steak.
No bare tits is always disappointing.
The mole under her eye made her look hot lol. Thanks for this oneshot, Biribiri and Anonymous.
Pretty good one, though the girl isn't as cute as the one in the other story(although the first girl he molests looks like her lol).
Well, of course the sister's plan worked. Why go out for a burger when you can have steak at home? 🙂