[Yukino Yukikaze] Under Nine Ch.7

Say ‘hi’ to lolicon-ojichan 😉
Uhm, does that even need captions?!
If you lend money, you can end up in a situation like that – I dare to say that it’s a dream situation for lolicons 😉 Also, it turns out that it’s good to have a cosplay clothes in the drawer in case of a situations like that…
Before you hog the rar, a word of warning: This chapter contains some pretty intensive loli rape so you’re downloading it on your own risk – I wouldn’t like to see a flame war about hating rape manga. (but I wait for any non-flaming comments!)
This chapter is sponsored by anonymous.
This book is already translated, you can grab corrected version from Finished Projects section.
More from this series:
- [Yukino Yukikaze] Under Nine Ch.9 [END]
- [Yukino Yukikaze] Under Nine Ch.5
- [Yukino Yukikaze] Under Nine Ch.6
- [Yukino Yukikaze] Under Nine Ch.4
- [Yukino Yukikaze] Under Nine Ch.3
- [Yukino Yukikaze] Under Nine Ch.2
- [Yukino Yukikaze] Under Nine Ch.1
- [Yukino Yukikaze] Under Nine Ch.8
- [Yukino Yukikaze] Under Nine Ch.7
Ch.6 is being worked on. On the other note as of today, chapters 5 and 9 still need a sponsor.
Where is the ch.06? anyone can help?
Delicious and ;-;
Thanks for this.
First chapters from that book are more of a happy-go-lucky story … well maybe not so happy, but no rape and bondage for sure. Donor wanted specifically that rape story to be translated – no wonder he wanted to stay anonymous 😉
Great art, and it started out nice too but then ;_; Some rapestories aren't that bad to read and this one certainly isn't the worst among them, but still I couldn't help myself to feel sad for the loli. I think it's the part where she tried to escape which makes me feel like that.
That one was translated by Anon of Spain, I'll re-read it, but I doubt it needs re-translating (might chose to do it for making whole tank complete though, or if donors want it), maybe I'll just include his version. I sent Gomen to my friend for cleaning, cause I'm lazy and he'll do it today while I'm @university.
The rape genre really doesn't bother me much anymore. If the artstyle is good enough I'm willing to overlook somethings. Those mangas I mentioned are pretty bad senario wise, but I still don't mind looking at them (I'm a sick bastard lol) Really looking forward to that chapter from Gomen. Even the one where one of the girls is used as a urinal :3
Well, for me it's hot, but this is me we're talking about – I just decided to warn readers after seeing how many commentators on various pages wrote that they don't like rape.
I can promise that Gomen's chapter 3 is really awesome and loli-lovers that don't like violent pieces will be fully satisfied! ^__^
This really isn't bad at all. Example of extreme rape loli manga's would be: Jyokuiku (Rape Schools- is alot more bad than it sounds), Immoral Girl (Abductions and Father prostituting daughter, Comic Ped (Comatose girl in hospital used as sex toy). Long story short you shouldn't feel bad looking at this :3
I'm not quite sure what did you mean by that, but I do agree that hell awaits me and not only cause of that piece, believe me 😉
and straight into hell for this one…
Huh, in previous chapter there is double bondage rape in school swimsuit – yeah, it looks pretty borderline.
Then you might like the starting chapters 😉 They consist of some pretty seducing imouto and she knows what she wants 😉 As for next chapter, it seems like Ayumi will enjoy it pretty much, but I won't spoil you the fun now.
"I am surprised that you even looked through it actually"
I have a bad habit of looking through stuff, even if I am pretty sure I know I won't like it. Call it a morbid sense of curiosity. In this case though, I think the preview pictures of the girl was what made me take a look. For whatever reason, this one didn't affect me like other loli-rape stories do. I have seen some stuff by a different artist, I think his name was Oyster, that made me RAGE so bad I wanted to beat someone to death with a lead pipe. But like I said, this one didn't bother me. *shrug*
I do agree with the warning, there are some lolicons (like me, usually) who only like the "happy sex" loli stuff, with cute girls and their older brothers and such, or stories where the loli is the one seducing the guy, and hate to see stories where the girls are raped or abused. Gorgeous Takarada's male characters are usually like that, they call themselves lolicons and say that because they truly love little girls, they could never stand to see one hurt.
I better stop now before this post gets too much further into the TL;DR zone. I am glad to hear that the second part of this is funded, and will be coming sooner rather than later. Thanks again biribiri and anonymous.
Yo if people rage over this, they really need to step their shit up. This is not even that intense for this artist, just look at the chapter before. Good shit as usual man, I want to see the next chapter of this translated some day, it looks good.
I am surprised that you even looked through it actually – I mean, this release is way more hardcore than anything I've done till now (not counting Aki-Akane 5 for dj-moe). I have to tell you that I really liked the diary lines – just translating them was enough for me to get excited 😉 Also – her cosplay outfit was a huge turn-on imho.
I decided to give a warning, cause I've seen tons of comments on stories consisting of rape that were stating quite strong despise of it (which I cannot comprehend).
As for the 'TBC' – anon saw that chapter and seeing that it's not the end, already ordered the ending – I put it in the queue after the next Girls Shower (no, I haven't forgotten about your order, Zathael :P).
I don't turn anyone into a sick bastard, I merely show you a way to become one of us 😉
So once again – HAIL to all the perverts out there! ^__^
Lol anyone who would come to a h-trans site and flame over the raep would just trolling anyway. Thxs for the releases
This may come as a bit of a shock to you, biribiri, considering some of my past comments on this sort of thing… but I really *liked* this one. The girl is super-cute, although very naughty. Page UNDER_125, where she looks up at him and talks about playing with his penis for a week was simply awesome.
Yes, the rape parts that follow are *very* intense. But for some reason (maybe because she wasn't "pure" to begin with), I didn't mind it. Towards the end, where he was using the rotors, she looked like she was actually losing her mind over how *good* it felt. I actually am a bit upset over the "To Be Continued" thing, I want to read the rest of this and see just how far she falls.
Thanks biribiri and anonymous for turning me into a sick bastard. 😉
Woo! First post. You make my miserable lolicon existence just a bit more bearable with your releases, thank you kind sir <(^_^)>