[Yaya Hinata] Nuko Miko-tan Ch.6
Miyuki is back…
Another chapter about Miyuki’s capricious sex adventures. I hope you will enjoy.
Chapter courtesy of Solublesleet.
Check out what other projects we have open for donors.
PS: Yep, this project’s finally completely commissioned and joins Hyakka Ryouran in the line of project that need to be prepared for final release.
BS / DF / RG
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Thanks for the new release.
Also I apologize, completely unrelated to the current post, but it seems Lilith-soft has made an announcement that they're starting up a loli brand for their eroges.
Allright. I'm not going to be able to do anything about it right away, but at some point in the future I will have to see about that first tank and those doujins.
Yes, so it seems. Doujins appear to happen after the tank version.
Sorry for all the posts. Went back and checked some things, it appears that those doujins are based on a tank that came out ages ago. So it looks like the sequence is:
1)Tonari no Miko-san wa Minna Warau tankoubon
2)Kanara-sama no Nichijou doujins
3)Nuko Miko-tan tankoubon (the current project)
Is that correct? If so, that first tank needs to translated, then the doujins. Dammit.
GODDAMMIT. Let me repeat myself, since the fucking quote/reply thing went to shit.
Biribiri, are you saying that those Kanara miko doujins came FIRST, and that this tank is the SEQUEL? FUCK!!!
I am assuming you have scans for those doujins? Send me some price quotes ASAP so we can get this shit fixed right away.
<blockquote cite="#commentbody-6993">
biribiri :
Yep, it
Yep, it's a good book. Sadly, what's left is a chapter directly relating to Yaya's doujins about Kanara miko (which is pretty good, actually and I wouldn't mind working on the doujins as well in the future) and short bonus for current Girlfriend-Friend story. I will most likely release them both at the same time.
Keh, thanx a ton for this chapter. I've really started liking this book. ^_^
Better than a gallon of morning coffee and a box of donuts..!
*shakes fist in the air*
Thank you for the hearty breakfast, biribiri and Solublesleet…
Many thanx BB and Solublesleet.