[LEE] MiniMimi Ch.7

HNNNNNNNNNGH!!! *dies with a stroke*
We’re bringing you yet another chapter of top-tier cute neko girls. We’re starting oneshots now, but they’re just as cute as previous ones. To be honest, I liked this chapter the best from the beginning and it was the reason I decided to accept this project.
Chapter courtesy of Dartboy.
Take example of him and help us with some other book!!!
HF / FSo / DF
And for sleepy heads bulk with previous chapters:
HF / FSo / DF
More from this series:
Too late…
No, Please forget it. DELETE IT!!!!
No, it's guro
Isn't this technically bestiality?
What? I'm too hard-hearted to die from this.
you a most welcom…*HHNNNNGGG*
(the afterlife isn't all bad thanks to biribiri)…
Wow, it looks like Jonestown, the day after in here. Why is everyone dead. Hmm… there is a new release by biribiri. Lets see, the preview pic definitely reminds me of Strike Witches. *HNNNN* Oh my God, what was that? Let me take a minute and rest…
…Ok, I feel a bit better now, so I guess it is time to read the chapter. Lets see, a childhood friend, a guy with a cat ghost hanging around… wait the cat ghost has jumped into the girl and now she is a cat girl and she wants… *HHNNNNNGGGG* *dies*
*You can faintly hear the ghost of Zathael saying "Thank you biribiri and Dartboy…"*
<blockquote cite="#commentbody-4040">
AnonMan :
That was freaking great when you mentioned that point about Strike Witches when you….HHHHHHNNNNNGGGGHHHH!!!! *still dead*
LEE's work is just adorable! Great work!
On another note, did anyone else immediately think of Strike Witches when they saw the preview pic? I guess it was the combination of ears and uniform.
i think i understand how you fe..HHHHNNNNNNGGGGHHHHH!!!!
@Lord Xenu
*Life is cast. Afro Revives*
I doubt he's retired. At the very least, he released a Touhou doujin during C79, but it doesn't seem like he's done any original work lately. I also visited his site and it looks like he's relatively active there too, so he isn't gone. Maybe we'll see something new from him sooner or later.
In any case, this chapter was really cu-HHHNNNGGGHHH!!! *Dies Again*
Oh cmon guys, Momo's not even in it anymore. How can this possibly be any goo–HHNNGGGGGHHHHH! *dies twice*
Thanks a boatload biribiri and dartboy.
I can hardly believe that you guys are saying this about this chapter and not offering any-HHHNNNNGGGHHHH!!!! *Dies also*
People dying/collapsing in the middle of their comments is not a good thing to- *dies*
I asked this in the comments for Chapter 6, but didn't get a response, so I'm asking it again.
Is LEE retired? Aside from a tankoubon compilation released last year, doujinshi.mugimugi.org says that he hasn’t released anything since 2009. I was hoping that the omake from that last tankoubon would clear things up, but the translator left that in Japanese.
If so, it’s a shame, as he’s pretty much the only loli artist whose work I enjoy.
Awesome chapter, by the way.
Thanks for the neko-based treat, Dartboy and biribiri~
I think I lost a pound looking at her…
I would give this chapter my Seal of Approval, but it's LEE, so I don't think that's neces-HHHNNNGGGHHH!!! *Dies*
I think…I just… *faints*