[Akira Yamato] Simulacre no Alice Ch.11

Another chapter from Akira Yamato for you guys. It’s… strange… and tragic… don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Chapter brought to you by Fatjoe.
Hey, how about giving love to some other projects?
This book is already translated, you can grab corrected version from Finished Projects section.
FSo / DF
More from this series:
- [Akira Yamato] Simulacre no Alice Ch.14 [END]
- [Akira Yamato] Simulacre no Alice Ch.13
- [Akira Yamato] Simulacre no Alice Ch.12
- [Akira Yamato] Simulacre no Alice Ch.11
- [Akira Yamato] Simulacre no Alice Ch.9-10
- [Akira Yamato] Simulacre no Alice Ch.7-8
- [Akira Yamato] Simulacre no Alice Ch.6
- [Akira Yamato] Simulacre no Alice Ch.5
- [Akira Yamato] Simulacre no Alice Ch.4
- [Akira Yamato] Simulacre no Alice Ch.1-3
Makes you wonder if they have a heaven (or hell) for androids~
Huh, I thought this was over. Oh well. Thanks for your hard work.
Damned…… a machine giving orders to kill other machines? This espouses why humanity is fucked: whatever they do not understand or that they consider a threat to them, they destroy.
@Azure Xuchilbara
In this case it's even worse – it was an answering machine with pre-recorded message, it reacted to the error in executing orders the way it was pre-decided, so there wasn't even a possibility of different outcome. I guess it's a tragedy on multiple layers. Though this is by far the saddest chapter of this book, so you can rest assured for future.
@John Conner
Horrible in what sense..? It was in par with 'Twilight-Zone' standards since at the end you realize the protagonist was not all what he seems to be and the 'person or committee' giving him orders was not even human…
Machines giving machines orders to kill other machines…
Tragedy is a b*tch especially if it happens DURING/AFTER SEX…
Yeah, I know the feeling…I heart was hurting like hell, but I came like a floodgate…
wow. that was 5 scoops of horrible story. glad thats over.
Arguably my favorite chapter for obvious reasons and given my "Lawful-Evil" nature…
Thank you, Biribiri…I love Akira Yamato's surreal scenarios more than the cake~
Oooo, thanks for the tragic warning. In that case, I'll go right ahead and skip this one. Great work though!
For once I actually felt bad about the ending. Great chapter nonetheless, thank you very much.
3 chapters left ;_;