[Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short Ch.3

It was hard for me to choose anything that is not a spoiler . Have fun reading this chapter ^__^
You can call me onii-chan too !! ^___^
This donor project is sponsored by Omega999.
If you wish to see more of this translated, you can donate.
First volume is done.
HF / DF / ES
PS: 9 out of 10 perverts agree that leaving me comments makes me work faster !!
More from this series:
- [Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short Ch.1
- [Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short Ch.2
- [Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short Ch.3
- [Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short Ch.4
- [Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short Ch.5
- [Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short Ch.6
- [Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short Ch.7
- [Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short Ch.7.5
- [Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short Ch.8
- [Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short Ch.9 [END]
- [Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short: Full Passion Ch.1
- [Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short: Full Passion Ch.2
- [Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short: Full Passion Ch.2.5
- [Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short: Full Passion Ch.3
- [Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short: Full Passion Ch.4
- [Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short: Full Passion Ch.5
- [Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short: Full Passion Ch.6
- [Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short: Full Passion Ch.7
- [Ash Yokoshima] 3 Angels Short: Full Passion Ch.8 [END]
I might make it till tuesday, but don't keep your hopes high, cause there is shopping I must do yet. Atm I'm waiting for corrections of Hitomi's ch.1. Well … and I'm going to sleep 😛
That sounds great, biribiri! especially since I can't find that manga I was looking for 😀 I'd really appreciate you doing that when you get the time. Thanks 🙂
I guess I can try translating short story from Comic LO 2009/10 by Sakurafubuki when I'm done with this TANA's chapter.
Thanks a lot to biribiri and the donors for this project.
Thanks biribiri
That's great you've got paying projects coming, I totally understand the need to be making some kind of money. I'd be sending you huge loads of the stuff if I could afford it, cause there's lot's of manga's I'd love translated, and if things pick up around here, I just might go ahead and place some orders 😀
I'll go ahead and email you a link to some Sakurafubuki stuff, once I find the one I'm looking for. And trust me, I understand the need to do things one's own order.
Anyway, still loving the work, and content. I check the site everyday. 😀
oh, and thanks
For now I don't have much time for freebies, cause my donor line is packed #.# and I mean really packed 😉 But I'll try making some freebie in the meantime, just gotta speed up with these projects(but surely not before my trip).
I'm sad to inform you, that I don't have anything from Sakurafubuki at the moment, so if you have anything that you like, you can send it to me(just be wary of my time limits and send just one chapter now :P). I may be interested in it. I actually don't have any translation queues – I do what I see fit at the moment.
I have Alice's final chapter and Koro's chronicles in plans though, so when I find some time I may translate one of them.
Nice to see you all on my new site and I hope that you keep visiting it. And thank you for comments/ratings.
@EDIT: The post @pant.su was made, cause I wasn't expecting old hoster to unlock my acc and finding such great place so fast. Lately I saw plenty of nice-looking mangas and doujins on pant.su – I'd definitelly like to translate something from it as well.
Hey GREAT to see the new site up. I was a little freaked when I saw the post on pant.su. I thought, "oh where shall I find my translated perversions?" but here you are, yay!! [Request} please oh please oh PLEASE tell if you have some Akatama Sakurafubuki Nel in the pipeline. I LOVE his work, and not much is translated. anyway, great to see you back. And great work on this translation. Thanks 😀
Thanks biribiri, this series just keeps getting better.